Deck the Halls


From 10am until 3pm


Help decorate and beautify The Actors Theatre Workshop (ATW) in preparation for their Annual Holiday Party and Class for Homeless Children. Prepare the facility for their annual year-end celebrations of The Builders of the New World, ATW's award-winning after-school theater-arts education program, which has been serving homeless and at-risk youth living in NYC's temporary housing facilities since 1995.

To Volunteer for the Decorating Event Sign Up Here

Volunteers will:

  • Assemble and hang fresh Christmas garlands throughout our lobby and hallways.
  • Repair and hang Christmas lights around our lobby, hallways, studios and theater.
  • Securely install, decorate and drape a Christmas tree.
  • Decorate and hang Christmas wreaths.
  • Do light cleaning - sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, cleaning windows and other surfaces, picking up and disposing of odd-shaped or odd-textured items that cannot be swept or vacuumed. Cleaning products used: Windex, Dirtex, Pine-Sol, Endust/Pledge, Goo Gone and other similar products with different brand names.
  • Light lifting and climbing on a ladder or step stool is required for much of this work. We have 10’ ceilings and therefore use 6’ - 8’ ladders to hang decorations.

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