Volunteer Application Contact Information First Name (required) : Last Name (required) : Email (required) : Phone (required) : Address : City : State : Zip Code : How did you hear about us? (required) —Please choose an option—Internet SearchEmailFriendFacebookInstagramTwitterLinkedInYoutubeCraigslistEventbriteHandshakeIdealistMeetUpVolunteerMatchUniversityOther Builders of the New World Are you interested in working directly with the children in the 31st annual Builders of the New World, our after-school theater arts education program in our Fall and Holiday 2025 session, and our Spring 2026 Program? —Please choose an option—Yes, I want to work with children for Fall/Holiday 2025 ProgramYes, I want to work with children for Spring 2026 ProgramYes, I want to work with children for both programsNo, I’m not interested Holiday 2025 BNW Info Session Dates: Dates to be announced for our Winter 2025 Info Sessions. Spring 2026 BNW Info Session Dates: Dates to be announced for our Spring 2026 Info Sessions. Please describe your previous experiences with the arts, children, and the community. In order to work with the children in this program, you must go through a mandatory training series with our Artistic Director Thurman E. Scott and our general management. These unique trainings will give you an understanding of BNW's history and philosophy, and the skills required to work with children in our program. You will also gain tools to tap into your creative potential and better articulate your thoughts and ideas. You must confirm you will participate in these trainings with your physical attendance. YesNo In connection with our non-profit status and certain government funding requirements we are required to gather the following information, which will be kept confidential. Are you a convicted felon? YesNo References Please list two references that we may contact; one must be a Professional Supervisor from a current or former job, internship or volunteer experience. Name : Relationship : Title : Company : Phone : Email : Name : Relationship : Title : Company : Phone : Email : Volunteer Availability Earliest possible start date (required) : -- (mm-dd-yyyy) End date (required) : -- (mm-dd-yyyy) Days and times you are available (required) : Periods you are not available (e.g., you are out-of-town)(required) : Number of hours per week : Volunteer Project Areas Please check all areas where you can contribute: Accounting / Bookkeeping Administration Archival Carpentry Contractor / Electrician Fundraising Grant Writing Graphic Design Human Resources IT/Networking Legal Management Marketing Office Skills Photography Plumber Production Management Public Relations Research Salesforce Social Media Theatrical Lighting Transcription Video Editing Videography Web/Software Development Writing Resume Please copy/paste your professional work resume here: Please enter a LinkedIn Profile URL (optional): Essay Questions In preparation for the interview, and so we may begin to get to know you, please answer the following essay questions. These questions are meant to challenge you creatively and to address some of the issues that unfold in any creative work environment. Please expand on your background, any talents, skills, and resources that you feel could contribute to the management and mission of ATW. Why would you like to be considered for a volunteer position at ATW? What is it about this opportunity that you imagine will contribute to your goals, personal and/or professional? Please indicate any special gifts you’d like to share, or concerns that you would like to communicate to us (i.e. special needs you may have). Additional Considerations Please indicate any special concerns that you would like to communicate to us. I want to know about ongoing and future events and programs at ATW! Please add me to your mailing list. Please enter the value shown below :