Corporate Creativity Training
The Power of Process

A clarion call is going forth across the land for America to renew the legendary spirit of entrepreneurship that has made our country great. To tap into our enormous potential to rebuild our economy and enhance productivity we need optimum performance from every individual – – especially our leaders.

Great leaders inspire us to go beyond our perceived limitations and accomplish our dreams. When this happens pessimism and fear are transformed into hope and self-esteem, and productivity increases. Register for The Power of Process, our Corporate Creativity Training program. Learn powerful techniques, develop new facets of yourself, and inspire a new vision so that you can help lead us back to optimism and prosperity.

In his early essay entitled All Humans are Creative Beings, Thurman E. Scott, Artistic Director, Executive Producer, and Founder of The Actors Theatre Workshop, tackles the issue of why so many of us grow up believing that we don’t have an imagination. He writes that “creativity is the great equalizer,” meaning we all have the potential to create, not only so-called elite artists. In our stimulating and impactful Corporate Creativity Training, Mr. Scott teaches business professionals in private and small group sessions to develop their unique creative birthright and to fulfill their potential as true leaders.

Download our brochure to learn more about this high impact program!

Then please fill out the inquiry form below for individual training, or our Corporate Inquiry Form for team training, so we can learn about your goals and let you know how we can help!

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