Rental Application

    Name (required) :

    Group or Organization (required) :


    Email (required) :

    Phone (required) :

    Address :

    How did you hear about us? :
    (If on-line, please specify the website)

    Purpose of rental (required) :
    (e.g. To host a business meeting.)

    Set-up Requirements:
    (Let us know how chairs, tables, etc. be arranged?)

    Number of people (required) :
    (If a production, include cast, crew and expected audience)

    Dates and Times Requested (required) :

    Studio Requested :

    Will food / alcohol be served?


    For an extra charge, I would like to use the following:

    Projector Screen


    Photography Backdrop

    Electronic Keyboard

    Stage Lights

    Additional Considerations :

    I want to know about ongoing and future events and programs at ATW! Please add me to your mailing list.

    Please enter the value shown below :

    Please Note: When you submit your application, you may receive an error stating that your form submission failed. Disregard this message. As long as you complete the form and submit the application, we will receive it.